A Spiritual Encounter

I was driving along the road, the sky was shining with a beautiful azure hue and the clouds drifting on the empty canvas of the sky. I looked up and the nature’s ethereal painting reminded me of the shloka from Upanishad:

“Om Purnam adah, purnam idam, purnat purnam udachyate

Purnasya purnam adaya purnam evavasisyate

Om Shantih, shantih, shantih’’

The verse beautifully explains our connection with the Universal power. Yoga (union) of the self with the higher self.

Purnam means complete, adah means ‘that’ being referred to the higher self or paramatma. Idam means ‘this’ being referred to self or our soul or atma. So it says paramatma is complete in itself and so are we as we a part of it.

This complete has emanated from that complete so even if we remove complete from complete it always remains complete.

This shloka also reminds me that according to Hindu philosophy we are miniatures of cosmic creation. We are made of the same substance Panch Bhoota namely Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space like the Universe is. That which is outside is also inside. We harbor the entire universe within.

Everything is an extension of the other. Everything reflects the other.

I smiled and thought to myself that the sky above is a beautiful reflection of the sea where the drifting white clouds are a perfect imitation of the gushing waves.

Fortunate enough to have witnessed such a beauty I whispered Good bye to the sun as it completely hugged the earth!

Let the reigns of your imagination break free to enjoy the clicks! So did you notice???


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