The moment your heart flutters: From love and beyond.

Have you ever wondered what it takes to make your heart flutter with pure joy? Well, it can be a romantic crush, the feel of your first car, the warmth of your new home, an act of kindness, or a sweet, unexpected surprise. The list is endless, and the feeling is unfathomable. A quixotic moment in life releases barrels full of dopamine that creates this feel-good, feel-happy emotion that is truly unforgettable.  

Meeting your romantic crush surely triggers this feeling. The sight of the beautiful face shines in the crowd. You try to steal glances and if somehow the person catches your eye, it makes you quiver with excitement and passion. The desire to be noticed along with the apprehension and the trepidation makes your heart flutter with anticipation.

A dream come true moment. You have been working tirelessly burning the midnight oil for that one dream you see with your open eyes. When the dream finally manifests, your happiness knows no bounds. Your heart flutters with pride and joy.  

The first sight of your newborn swaddled in a blanket. You surely haven’t seen anything prettier and more precious than that. And when the little bundle of joy sleeps peacefully, curled up in your lap, unknown of the ways of the world, your heart flutters with pure love.  

Ah! with so much love filling my heart, let me recall that one moment that still makes me weak on my knees.

(Flashback to year 2008)  

I was waiting for him near Levi’s showroom in South Ex. Part 1. It was a weekend afternoon, and the place was slowly getting busier with posh cars parking near expensive showrooms. The best thing about showrooms, some of them have huge mirrors. You simply cannot walk past them without taking a look at yourself. So, I kept checking myself consciously on the clear glasses of the showroom. I wore a carefully chosen white top and blue jeans, keeping it simple and casual. He was running a bit late, but I did not mind. On the contrary, I suspired with relief, it bought me time to adapt to the situation and surrounding. It helped me to calm my nerves and accept the fact that I was finally meeting my blind date after making excuses for almost 6 months. We have only seen each other on Orkut but the photos can be deceiving, right? So, I was not sure how does he look or if we will be able to recognize each other easily. When I was deeply engrossed in my own thoughts, a bike stopped a few feet away from the showroom entrance. He was almost 5 feet 10 and wore a striped shirt with blue jeans. He removed his helmet and started looking around hurriedly. He caught my eye and gazed at me. He immediately started walking towards me as if he was sure I am the only one. That very moment, when I saw him in real for the first time, I could hear my own heartbeat, it was racing with excitement. I could not fight the feeling of nervousness, anxiety, and ecstasy, all bombarding my heart at the same time. My mind was drooling, and my heart fluttered uncontrollably for the effect the gentleman had on me that day!  

(Back to the year 2023….)  

The voice of the crew member broke my chain of thoughts, and the landing announcement shuddered me back to reality. I got off the plane, collected my luggage, and started walking towards the exit gate while booking a cab for home. Still swiping on the touchscreen, I looked up and my heart skipped a beat. There he was standing behind the steel fence and looking around. I could easily spot him in the swarm of unfamiliar faces. I stepped outside into the hot bright sun, my eyes fixed upon his and he gazed at me just then. My heart fluttered……….the same way it did 15 years back. He immediately walked towards me, grabbed the phone, canceled the cab, and whispered, “Honey let’s go home, I am starving!” I blushed and recalled a quote from R. M Broderick, “My body has become a sanctuary for the butterflies you give me.” He gave me a naughty smile as if he just read my mind.  

A little take-away:

No matter what triggers this feeling, 

The moment is definitely worth living. 

Just one sight of it and your heart flutters,  

Bewitched by the beauty it enraptures.  

With butterflies in your belly and sparkle in your eyes,  

It is the sweetest feeling that you cannot deny.  

It is filled with innocent love, ecstasy, and nervousness,  

That’s what makes you appreciate life’s preciousness.  

PS: This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop.


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