An UnXpected detour was a blessing in disguise.

The raindrops were pelting us relentlessly as we rode on the winding roads of Srinagar. Our destination for the day was Pathankot, but the weather gods seemed determined to test our mettle. The picturesque valley of Srinagar that would have taken our breath away in different circumstances, now seemed dreary and dull. We were soaked to the bone, with no respite from the relentless downpour.

Our stomachs were growling with hunger, and we had been searching for a decent dhaba for what felt like an eternity. Finally, we spotted a small restaurant and gratefully pulled over. As we dismounted from our bikes, we realized that even our ponchos over the raincoats couldn’t keep us dry. We wolfed down our food quickly, trying to satiate our hunger, and stretched our aching muscles. We mounted our bikes and hit the road again.

Now, it has hardly been half an hour, we saw the rearview mirror and realized that it’s been quite a long since we have lost sight of one of our bike partners. We waited for some time yet no trace. We reversed our bikes and started searching for them. Alas! We spotted them standing on the roadside with their bike broken down. A kind local driver helped fix the bike, but it broke down again after just a kilometer. The guys tried everything, but nothing improved the situation. The rain hasn’t stopped, the bike has broken down, and we were stranded in the middle of nowhere.

“Let’s break into groups and search for a hotel and a service center”, suggested our friend. It was soon going to be dark, so we needed a shelter for the night. The small town offered slim pickings for accommodation, and we had to settle for two overpriced rooms in a barely adequate hotel. The food was tasteless, the rotis were burnt, and our wet luggage added to our misery. Luckily there was an RE service center nearby and the mechanic came to our rescue. He took the bike to the shop, and we headed for the hotel. We were devastated at this sudden change of plans but then something happened.

Just when we thought our day couldn’t get any worse, we received some startling news from the hotel manager. A few kilometers away, a landslide had destroyed the connecting road, and it had happened just an hour after our bike broke down. Had we continued riding, we would have reached the landslide spot right around the time of the disaster. The realization hit us like a bolt of lightning, and we were left trembling with gratitude and fear. We got goosebumps when we connected the dots. We were devastated at the news, prayed for the safety of others, and thanked God for the delay.

PS: This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023

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