Zip into Relaxation: Why a ‘Zzzzz’ is essential.

“Alright folks, it’s time to channel your inner yogi and get ready to lie down and close your eyes,” Suresh Sir, the commander-in-chief of the yoga class, would always end with shavasana, and boy, it was everyone’s favorite part. The collective sigh of relief that echoed through the hall was enough to make you feel like you were at a spa.

Most people, when asked about their favorite asana, would sheepishly say shavasana. And, of course, everyone else would burst into laughter. Why? Well, because it’s the laziest and most relaxing pose in the book. No fancy contortions required. Just lie down and close your eyes. But, did you know that this simple pose is just as important as the rest of the practice?

Without proper shavasana, your yoga session is incomplete. All that hard work and sweat goes to waste if you don’t give your body a chance to recover and soak in the benefits of the practice. It’s like skipping dessert after a fancy dinner. What’s the point?

This philosophy extends beyond yoga and into life itself. We’re constantly running around like headless chickens, without taking a moment to pause and appreciate the little things. Taking a break and giving your body and mind some rest is crucial for rebooting and increasing efficiency in the long run. It’s like pressing the reset button on your laptop.

Take a vacation, catch up on some sleep, or indulge in some leisure reading. Whatever it is, make sure you’re taking some time to recharge those batteries.

So, this is the last post of #Blogchatter A2Z 2023, and the experience has been overwhelming. After this, I will be resting my pen a bit and indulge in more leisure reading and fill myself with new experiences and learnings.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to take my own shavasana. But, instead of closing my eyes, I’ll be burying my nose in a good book. Namaste, my friends.

PS: This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023

8 Replies to “Zip into Relaxation: Why a ‘Zzzzz’ is essential.”

    1. That’s great, nothing better than ending a session with shavasana.
      Yes I totally get that feeling.. I guess all the participants will have mutual feelings.. Thank you for sharing your insight!


  1. Hahaha! I think all the A2Z people will be doing the shavasana this weekend. It was awesome reading your insights into the spiritual stuff, learned some new stuff and just in general it was very fun!

    Liked by 1 person

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