Nature’s Plight: We need a hope to thrive

Year after year, the temperature during summer soars, the winters no longer offer the same chill, and the monsoon season has become increasingly uncertain; I can’t figure out exactly when it comes and goes.

These significant changes beg the question: Are we truly aware of the environmental transformations unfolding around us? Instead of fearing the future, we often seek temporary solace in the latest technologies, momentarily forgetting the underlying unease. Nature’s rhythm is disrupted, and it is our responsibility to listen, learn, and find sustainable solutions to preserve our planet for future generations.

Here I would like to share thoughts that preoccupy me when I face the scorching heat.

I’m someone who loves the summer season,

But lately, I’m missing winter’s cool reason.

The place I stay was always nice and chill,

Now wrapped in heat waves, we are like chicken in grill

What happened to nature, oh why can’t we see?

Or should we ask, what have we done, you and me?

We switch on AC to beat the heat’s sting, But those harmful gases are not a good thing.

We cut down trees for tall buildings and roads,

Thinking progress is good, but it hurts our abodes.

We eat unhealthy food, making our bodies weak,

In the name of modern life, is it the future we seek?

But we forget, my friends, it’s a cycle we’re in,

When we harm nature, it comes back with a spin.

Burning our dear Mother Earth, we hope for relief,

But we suffer from changes, and it causes us grief.

Let’s break this cycle, for it’s not too late,

To save our planet, and change our own fate.

Let’s protect nature, and treat it with love and care,

So we can enjoy the seasons, and have clean air.

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