Through the Window of Wonder: A Reverie on the Enchanting Sky

Different shades painted on the blue canvas of the Sky

As I gaze through the window, my eyes are captivated by the enchanting expanse of the sky. It unfolds like a huge cerulean blanket, forever shifting its hues. Decorated with beautiful birds and cottony clouds, it resembles a canvas. A canvas adorned with a myriad of glistening stars, the ethereal dance of the Northern lights, the breathtaking sunrises, and the colorful sunsets. The sight of this celestial beauty fills me with a sense of freedom and infinite wonder.

My mind contemplates the nature of the sky. What is its essence? Is it fluid, gas, or solid, or perhaps nothing at all? Where is the beginning and where is the end? My innocent mind curiously questions. The creation is enthralling and profound yet intriguing and riveting.

A beautiful ombre sunset paints the sky golden

Growing up Science provided me the answers in a technical way but my poetic soul piques my curiosity just like those re-lightening candles we blow on our birthdays. We extinguish the flame and revel in our triumph only to witness it reigniting. The stunning colors of the Sky- blue, white, grey, orange, pink, and the enchanting ombre- are a result of the Sunlight being scattered by the molecules in the atmosphere. The vibrant sunrises and sunsets that paint the heavens in splendid colors are due to the angle of sunlight as it enters the Earth’s atmosphere. What a mesmerizing art!

As we bid farewell to the Sun, the sky gloomily succumbs to darkness. Then I wonder, why is outer space abysmally dark even when it has the ultimate monarch, the Sun right in its womb? Science again steps forward to enlighten me,” Space, by its very nature, is empty, with only a few scattered objects at considerable distances reflecting sunlight. It is this dearth of reflected light that renders it invisible to our naked eyes.”

Still, there are times when my insatiable curiosity eludes Science and finds solace in the mystery of unanswered questions. Sometimes the curiosity is more beautiful than the explanation.

Space movies have a special place in my heart. Perhaps because it explores the horizon that my own eyes may never behold. It gives us a glimpse of distant planets, evolving galaxies, and outer space life. Indeed, a fantasy world that thrills the earth-dwelling creatures.

The most ethereal view of the sky is granted from the oval window of the plane. Though I reluctantly board flights, fearing the slightest turbulence, the captivating view of the sky makes it all worthwhile. I find myself flying amidst the billowing white clouds, cradled in the arms of the sky and the horizon unfolding before my naked eye. In these moments, I cherish the experience, for I know that this is the closest I can get to the grand blue canvas above. And there is yet another beauty to behold that captures my heart during these flights.

The blanket of clouds gives way to the sky from the horizon to the Space

As I peer through the little window, I see the clouds and the blue sky with utmost clarity on a sunny day. Now as my gaze shifts upwards, a transition occurs. I notice a shade card of blue that gradually darkens. The darkest layer I can discern from that modest window serves as a threshold to the space itself. It appears as if a mere few feet separate me from the vast expanse beyond. Sometimes I secretly wish the plane takes a daring leap into those upper layers. I chuckle at the whimsy of my thoughts and appreciate the plane carrying me as far as I can ever reach. The vastness of the space remains out of my grasp but remains eternally within my heart.

PS: This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop.


2 Replies to “Through the Window of Wonder: A Reverie on the Enchanting Sky”

  1. 😍 If I ever needed to read a love letter to the sky, this would be it. Wonderful words Pinkii, I felt each of them, the true wonder of the skies is palpable in your mesmerizing account~

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