Forgotten Dreams on the Pages of Possibilities

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As the pressure cooker whistles one more time, I immediately switched off the gas flame, snapping back to the present moment. Without lingering on my thoughts any further, I get on to making hot chapatis.

I haven’t been myself lately, feeling a bit off. Still, my hands keep working, almost autonomously, on the ingrained routine of work. I wonder how?

It’s intriguing how the body adapts to these mundane tasks, having repeated them day after day for the past five years. Life is drifting aimlessly without a clear direction or anchor. This has been preoccupying my mind lately. “What is the purpose of this life,” I ask myself. Not getting any answer, I move on with my daily chores, thinking there is still time to ponder over this.

Today, being Saturday, is marked for deep home cleaning, our monthly ritual. While sifting through the clutters in my cupboard, I stumbled upon a stack of thick, black sheets. The document, covered in dust, seemed to have been lying there since time immemorial.

Carefully I removed the dust and a meticulously engraved heart started glistening in front of my eyes. Oh, this book seems to have escaped my attention for a considerable time. How could I have forgotten about it?

I vividly recalled the day I eagerly received it from Amazon — a beautifully crafted wooden cover containing several thick black sheets, bound together by two shiny silver rings.

As I lifted the hard wooden cover, the words written on the first page brought back a flood of memories. It read, “My Vision Book.”

After I read the book, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy, I became a firm believer. Inspired by the book, I thought of creating a vision book. It will be a gateway to my future, a planner that imprints the tasks on my subconscious mind as if sending the message out to the Universe. And one day when you will flip through the pages, you will be surprised to see so many of them already fulfilled.

Over time while sailing through the uncertain tides of life, I completely forgot about my vision book. Now, I am nervous and equally excited to flip through the pages.

Here comes the first one: it had pictures of a science lab and the Twin Towers of Singapore with the following message scribbled at the bottom, “Complete biotechnology and work in Singapore.”

Ah, I completed biotechnology. Although, I did not get a job in the island country, I did enjoy a nice family vacation there. A bit ambiguous, I mused and turned the page.

The next page featured two images, one of a barren landscape surrounded by towering mountains and the other one of a prayer wheel. I gasped as I read the message below the pictures, “Visit Ladakh”.

That was spot on!

Last year, I embarked on a bike trip from Ranchi to Ladakh with my husband and a few friends. Never had I ever thought it would be on a motor bike, but it turned out to be the most memorable trip of my life until now.

Vaguely remembering my third plan by now, I flipped the page. The page had a golden star at the top center. The golden star meant a special one.

The picture featured a yoga instructor with a bunch of students practicing the ancient art in a lush green valley with a river at the backdrop. The message below the image read, ” I want to travel places and teach yoga, proudly carrying my yoga mat on my shoulder. “

Ah, this one is indeed special but remains unrealized. A renewed sense of hope surged within me.

This time I am not leaving it to my subconscious mind rather letting my heart take the reins. It’s time to unfurl the yoga mat and engage in some practice!

For 2024, I dedicate the year to Dreams and Dares. The vision book still has blank pages, urging me to fill them with new dreams. Cheers to the unwritten chapters!

PS: This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop

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