An Unexpected Visitor

I was binge-watching Netflix on a lazy Sunday afternoon when the doorbell rang. "It must be the dress I impulsively ordered at 2 AM," I thought as I walked to the door. There was no one but a delivery box sat on the welcome mat, with my name and address neatly pasted on top. I …

Forgotten Dreams on the Pages of Possibilities

As the pressure cooker whistles one more time, I immediately switched off the gas flame, snapping back to the present moment. Without lingering on my thoughts any further, I get on to making hot chapatis. I haven’t been myself lately, feeling a bit off. Still, my hands keep working, almost autonomously, on the ingrained routine …

Top 3 Dream Destinations from My Bucket List

Travelling is a form of therapy that offers me a sense of peace and tranquility that no other activity can match. Moreover, travelling is an unparalleled teacher, imparting wisdom that no classroom can ever replicate. Whether it's the meticulous pre-travel planning, the journey itself, or exploring the destination, each expedition teaches invaluable lessons.   I …

International Literacy Day: Unlocking Future Potential

Imagine a world where everyone has access to food and education - two fundamental rights we all deserve. Don’t we?? Whenever I have the chance to give back to society, it's either through feeding the less fortunate or by kindling the flame of education. Today, on the 8th of September, we celebrate International Literacy Day …

Through the Window of Wonder: A Reverie on the Enchanting Sky

Different shades painted on the blue canvas of the Sky As I gaze through the window, my eyes are captivated by the enchanting expanse of the sky. It unfolds like a huge cerulean blanket, forever shifting its hues. Decorated with beautiful birds and cottony clouds, it resembles a canvas. A canvas adorned with a myriad …

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