My Journey to a Healthier Lifestyle with 5 Fun Changes!

Introduction Ah, the allure of the traditional lifestyle! These might seem cumbersome to integrate into a hectic lifestyle. But you know what? The present generation has a sneaky little desire to go back to our roots. And why not? I have always admired the good old traditional ways and healthy alternatives that unfortunately take a …

Zip into Relaxation: Why a ‘Zzzzz’ is essential.

"Alright folks, it's time to channel your inner yogi and get ready to lie down and close your eyes," Suresh Sir, the commander-in-chief of the yoga class, would always end with shavasana, and boy, it was everyone's favorite part. The collective sigh of relief that echoed through the hall was enough to make you feel …

The Silent Street

The drabble is based on true events and emotions that were circumstantial. PS: This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023

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